Design. Sokkar fyrir Amnesty. Socks for Amnesty. Amnesty Iceland. 2023.
Interview. Megan Auður: Conversations for healing by Marika Sheridan. Pilotenkueche. 2023.
Interview. Hugarflug, Aivag & Mig vantar orðin. Lestin. 2023.
Interview. Það er gaman að lifa. Lestin. 2022.
"It should be desirable for artist to live in Reykjavík" / "Það á að vera eftirsóknarvert fyrir listamenn að búa í Reykjavík." Article in Art in Iceland.
On behalf of AIVAG (Artist’s in Iceland Visa Action Group). 2022. (PDF)
Interview. How student-led artist initiatives are changing the institution from within by Alyxandra Westwood. Metropolis M. 2021.
ALL INN. With Atelier Brenda & Rob Stolk. 2021.
Suggested Toolbox. 2021.
Review. 'Girly', confronterend en fel - Lichting 2020 bijt van zich af in Het HEM by Machteld Leij. Metropolis M. 2021.
Þverá. Tributaries. Zijrivieren. روافد. Tributari. 2020.
2020. Art book by Koen Taselaar. 2020.
Meðgönguljóð: úrval. Poetry anthology. Published by Partus Press. 2019.
Review. Eitruð einlægni, heilandi kaldhæðni by Jóhannes Ólafsson. Starafugl. 2017.
Glergildra. Poetry book. Published by Partus Press. 2017.
"To be the Artist of your own life." Article in Listvísir - Málgagn um myndlist. 2016.
Fríyrkjan III. Poetry anthology. Published by Fríyrkjan. 2015.
Fríyrkjan II. Poetry anthology. Published by Fríyrkjan. 2014.
Fríyrkjan I. Poetry anthology. Published by Fríyrkjan. 2013.