Artists’ in Iceland Visa Action Group.  (AIVAG.)

Artists in Iceland Visa Action Group (AIVAG)
is an advocacy group working towards the possibility and accessibility of residency permits for artists and freelancers in Iceland. We are an open interdisciplinary collaborative group. You can reach us through our instagram, or our facebook page Artists in Iceland Visa Action Group, where we announce our open meetings and activities.
AIVAG was founded in response to the article Racism and Xenophobia in the Icelandic Art Scene by Noemi Ehrat in the Radical Art Review.That highlighted this and many other issues within the Icelandic Art scene and society at large.

Ways of being and working together well, AIVAG. Code of Conduct. (PDF.)

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"It should be desirable for artist to live in Reykjavík" / "Það á að vera eftirsóknarvert fyrir listamenn að búa í Reykjavík." (PDF) Article in Art in Iceland.
“Why Don’t you marry (an Icelander)?” (Recording). Panel with Norræna húsið.
“AIVAG: On Precarity and adversity for artists of foreign origins in Iceland, Artist Visa and CHANGE.” Podcast with Out There & Icelandic Art Center.
Lecture at Listaháskóli Íslands as part of Collective futures / Margfeldi Framtíða. Hugarflug.
Legislation Kitchen at Gallery Port. UPPHÁTT / SPEAK UP-  Möguleikar á samstöðu listheimsins með Palestínu?
The art community’s potential in solidarity with Palestine?
with Nýló &  Icelandic Artists for Palestine.
"Writing as World Building" at Reykjavík City Library.